Creating a thriving + ethical specialist disability accommodation market that generates positive outcomes for people with disability

As a national peak body, we represent Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) market participants across the country. Our members include SDA providers, institutional investors, developers, builders, financial institutions, allied health professionals and industry consultants.
Our members make a significant impact on the lives of people with disability – by providing housing that is safe, innovative and designed to serve the needs of SDA participants.
By collaborating and engaging with governments, the NDIA and other key stakeholders, we seek to improve standards and regulations and promote the provision of excellence in SDA.
Ensuring people with disabilities can exercise choice and control in relation to their housing and supports and thrive in their communities, lies at the heart of our work.
Ensuring people with disabilities can exercise choice and control in relation to their housing and supports and thrive in their communities, lies at the heart of our work.
The Specialist Disability Accommodation Alliance Focus

Promoting Best Practice
We define and promote the delivery of best practice specialist disability accommodation so people with disability have access to quality + well designed housing.
Learn More About Promoting Best Practices

Advocacy + Policy
We work with government, the NDIA and other stakeholders to promote a sustainable specialist disability accommodation market: this includes engaging with stakeholders through submissions (and other advocacy documents) and participating in constructive meetings and consultation processes.
Learn More About Advocacy and Policy

Member Engagement
We facilitate member events, provide industry analysis and information and promote peer-to-peer engagement so our members can collectively innovate, share ideas and problem solve.
Learn More About Our Members

Driving Innovation
We harness the collective creativity of our members to drive innovation across the sector: this includes delivering housing that encompass participant-led designs, facilitates delivery of housing in high demand areas, and generates positive impacts for residents.
Learn More About SDAA Innovation
What our members and supporters say about us
Find what you need: resources for providers, investors and stakeholders.
Explore our comprehensive resources designed to support SDA providers, investors, and stakeholders. Discover the benefits of membership, access our extensive member directory, and stay informed with our latest reports and publications to enhance your engagement in the SDA sector.
How we make an impact
We have 72 members Australia-wide. Together, we:
- Represent $1.5 billion of committed institutional investment in specialist disability accommodation
- Deliver 2932 homes
- Provide housing to over 4706 people with disability
72 members Australia-wide.
Investments Represented
Australian Members
Individuals Housed